Meet people, have fun & get fit!
In one of the regular inspections by the church architect in 2015, we were advised that the bells, the frame and the fittings were in need of major restoration and it would be unsafe to ring the bells on a regular basis. This merely confirmed what the bell ringers already knew and Canon Reverend Annette Reed and the Parochial Church Council agreed that action was needed if the bells were ever to be rung on a regular basis. It is worth noting that the oldest bell was cast in about 1400 AD and the other four were cast between 1721 and 1896 so they had all lived a full life!
The first step was to commission three renowned bell foundries/bell hangers to prepare draft reports, recommendations and quotations for returning the bells to a safe and full working order. The opportunity was also taken to investigate the introduction of a sixth bell which would significantly enhance the quality of full circle ringing and would be a major attraction for both new and experienced bell ringers.
The reports and quotations were received and considered by all necessary authorities and the preferred company to undertake the work was John Taylor & Co from Loughborough. The work to be undertaken by Taylor’s was costed at £78.5k. In order for Taylor’s to safely undertake their work, we would need to install lighting into the bell tower at a cost of £3.8k. Other expenditure was required, including the installation of a CCTV system so that members of the public who could not scale the bell tower could see the bells being rung from the comfort of the church pews. The total cost, of which the vast majority is on fixed contracts, will be in the order of £89k.
As a result, we were able to instruct Taylor’s to undertake the work also advise Darnell Electrical Installations to install lighting in the bell tower. The latter work has been completed and we now have a confirmed slot in Taylor’s schedule of work with the bells being removed from the church on 9 April 2018 with the expectation that the refurbished and the new bell would be rehung in July 2018.
The project is now fully underway and we are 100% certain that we have the necessary funds and village involvement to complete the work which will restore the bells and their infrastructure to an extent that no further major works will be required for another 100 years.
Meet new people, have fun & get fit!
Mrs Nicci Jones
Benefice Administrator
c/o The Vicarage,
24 St. James' Road,
Little Paxton,
St. Neots,
Cambs, PE19 6QW
dummy(01480) 877215
dummy admin@thepaxtonsbenefice.org
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